While the Atlanta Braves roster is largely made up of young players, many of them have enough experience to be labeled veterans. It’s easy to forget that despite having a lot of players in their 20s, many of these players have helped the team win six straight NL East division titles and multiple deep playoff runs. The vast majority of the players that the Braves have down in spring training could be considered to be in their middle of their primes.

Nevertheless, the Braves have some different kinds of players in camp this year. Of course, some prospects have little to no chance of making the team before Opening Day and are content to just experience major league camp. Still, there are players in camp who are merely attempting to secure a final opportunity to play in the major leagues.

We shall be concentrating on the latter group in this instance. The Braves are essentially set when it comes to position players, thus the only individuals in Atlanta’s camp who meet the mold this year are pitchers who have a chance to win a spot. A few are cunning veterans who have

With the explanations out of the way, here are a few of the guys that the Braves have in camp that are fighting for their futures and their careers in 2024.

Atlanta Braves: 6 Legendary One-Year Braves players

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