Amidst the excitement surrounding the Michigan Wolverines’ advance to the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four, the most poignant aspect of their journey is the presence of Austin Hatch, an undergraduate student assistant with a remarkable story of survival.

Hatch, now 23 years old, has endured unimaginable loss, having survived two plane crashes during his teenage years that tragically claimed the lives of all five members of his family. Despite the immense adversity he has faced, Hatch remains grateful for the opportunity to be part of Michigan’s journey to the Final Four.

In an interview with The Athletic, Hatch reflected on his experiences, stating, “I’ve lost a tremendous amount, and obviously everyone knows it’s extremely difficult, tragic. I’ve grieved about things, and that’s normal. But I don’t see how sulking through the tough days helps. My family, if they were here, would encourage me to pick it up and keep moving forward.”

Hatch’s resilience and determination serve as an inspiration to many, highlighting the power of perseverance in the face of tragedy. As Michigan prepares to compete on college basketball’s grandest stage, Hatch’s presence reminds us of the strength of the human spirit and the ability to find hope and purpose even in the darkest of times.

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