Warsaw, Poland — A special commission of the Polish government has once again asserted that a Russian assassination plan orchestrated the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of President Lech Kaczynski and numerous senior officials in 2010. The commission’s latest report reaffirms its long-held belief that explosives planted aboard the Soviet-made Tu-154M aircraft caused the fatal crash on April 10, 2010, in Smolensk, Russia.

At a recent news conference, commission head Antoni Macierewicz declared that the deaths of President Kaczynski, his wife, and over 90 other government and military personnel were the result of “unlawful interference by the Russian side.” Despite previous conclusions by Polish and Russian aviation experts attributing the crash to human error in adverse weather conditions, the commission stands firm in its allegations of foul play.

The commission, appointed by Poland’s current government, which is led by the conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS), has consistently contested earlier investigations conducted under the previous centrist government. These investigations concluded that the crash was primarily due to errors made by the Polish crew navigating dense fog at an inadequately equipped airport in Smolensk.

The latest report from the commission coincides with heightened tensions between Poland and Russia, exacerbated by Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, twin brother of the late President and a prominent figure in the PiS, has openly criticized Moscow’s policies and renewed accusations against the Russian government.

In response, Russia has vehemently denied any involvement in the plane crash, dismissing the commission’s allegations as baseless and politically motivated. The incident continues to be a point of contention between Poland and Russia, further straining bilateral relations amid the broader geopolitical context in Eastern Europe.

As Poland commemorates the anniversary of the tragic event, discussions surrounding the Smolensk crash persist, reflecting deep-seated divisions and differing narratives regarding its cause and implications.

For further updates and developments on this ongoing story, stay tuned as the investigation and its aftermath continue to unfold.

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