take off before it encountered difficulties. “It just didn’t seem right,” said local resident and eyewitness Tom Richards. “I saw it take off, and then it started to nose downtake off before it encountered difficulties. “It just didn’t seem right,” said local resident and eyewitness Tom Richards. “I saw it take off, and then it started to nose down. I could hear the engines sputtering, and before I knew it, it went down. It was horrifying.”
In response to the crash, Myrtle Beach International Airport has suspended operations temporarily as emergency crews work to secure the area and recover the aircraft. Airport officials have assured the public that safety protocols are in place and are being followed rigorously. Flights have been diverted to nearby airports, and travelers are advised to check for updates regarding their flights.
The airport has a history of maintaining a strong safety record, and this incident marks a tragic deviation from that norm. Locals and visitors alike have expressed shock and disbelief over the crash, with many taking to social media to share their condolences and memories of the victims.
In a statement, the airline operating the charter flight expressed its deep sorrow over the incident. “We are heartbroken over this tragedy and our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of those who were onboard. We are cooperating fully with the investigation and are committed to providing support to those affected.”
As investigations continue, community leaders have called for a vigil to honor the victims and support their families. The gathering is set to take place on Sunday evening at a local park, where residents will come together to reflect, share memories, and offer their condolences.
This devastating incident serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unexpected nature of tragedy. The Myrtle Beach community is coming together in solidarity, united in their grief and support for those impacted by this heartbreaking loss.
As updates become available, officials will continue to provide information to the public. For now, the focus remains on supporting the families and honoring the memory of those who tragically lost their lives.

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